Embedded System Platform Movement & Code Optimization

Description of Project

Our project goal is to create unit tests for all the 288 codes. So, for this work, we set up the git lab to make about teamwork station. So far, we just met the professor on September 13th, we just have small idea how to make the unit tests for the 288 codes. Our team will contribute all members to work on the create unit tests. For the next week, our team will meet on the Monday and plan to work on this idea. During our education journey, our group members had participated with some of projects before, we are very gentle to help to other members who got in trouble with our project. For this project, we need to deep into know more about C program, especially unit test one. So we will learn more about it together

Role of Project

I was in charge of the report manager in my group. I think it is fit for my position because I am strictly keeping the time to do. Also, from my previous major in education in Korea, I wrote many reports for the education, so I think this job will not hard to do it for me. I think I had experiences from the Korean army that I lead our small troop members and one of my jobs was to report our troop members or status to the base commander. I think it will be a similar job instead I need to use more English. In addition, I enjoyed to take ENGL 314 (Technical Writing) and I did well in that class too, so I think I am good to the role in report manager.

New Skills/Knowledge acquired

  • Continuous Integration
  • Simulation

Describe the project

In Progress

Team Web Site

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